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Friday, December 18, 2015


Qustion 1- There is a source table containing 2 columns Column1 and Column2 with data as follows:

Column1     Column 2
a                     I    
b                    p
a                   m
a                   n
a                   q
b                   y

Design a mapping to load a target table with following values from the above mentioned source:

Column1     Column 2
a                l, m, n
b                p, q
x                  y

Let’s say I have more than have record in source table and I have 3 destination table A,B,C. I have to insert first 1 to 10
records in A then 11 to 20 in B and 21 to 30 in C.
Then again from 31 to 40 in A, 41 to 50 in B and 51 to 60 in C……So on up to last record.


Generate sequence number using informatica, add filter or router transformations and define the conditions accordingly…
Define group condition as follows under router groups….
Group1 = mod(seq_number,30) >= 1 and mod(seq_number,30) <= 10
Group2 = mod(seq_number,30) >= 11 and mod(seq_number,30) <= 20
Group3 = (mod(seq_number,30) >=21 and mod(seq_number,30) <= 29 ) or mod(seq_number,30) = 0
Connect Group1 to A, Group2 to B and Group3 to C

3- Validation rules for connecting transformations in Informatica?

Answer:- Some validation rules:
1-You can only link ports with compatible datatypes.
2-You cannot connect an active transformation and a passive transformation to the same downstream transformation.
3-You cannot connect more than one active transformation

Question- Design a mapping to load the last 3 rows from a flat file into a target?

Q- What is meant by a domain?
Ans- When all related relationships and nodes are covered by a sole organizational point, its called
domain. Through this data management can be improved.

Q- How many repositories can be created in informatica?
Ans- There can be any number of repositories in informatica but eventually it depends on number of ports.

Q- How many number of sessions can one group in batches?
Ans- One can group any number of sessions but it would be easier for migration if the number of
sessions are lesser in a batch.

Q- What is complex mapping?
Ans- Following are the features of complex mapping.
Difficult requirements
Many numbers of transformations
Complex business logic

Q- Briefly describe lookup transformation?
Ans- Lookup transformations are those transformations which have admission right to RDBMS based
data set. The server makes the access faster by using the lookup tables to look at explicit table
data or the database. Concluding data is achieved by matching the look up condition for all look
up ports delivered during transformations.

Q- Explain the code page compatibility?
Ans- When data moves from one code page to another provided that both code pages have the
same character sets then data loss cannot occur. All the characteristics of source page must be
available in the target page. Moreover if all the characters of source page are not present in the
target page then it would be a subset and data loss will definitely occur during transformation
due the fact the two code pages are not compatible.

Change Data Capture

To ability to detect changes data in source system and capture these changes is called change Data capture(CDC).

3 types of changes can be :

1- Inserting new records
2- updating one or more fields of existing records
3- deleteng records