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Sunday, July 23, 2017


These days everyone is .talking about Big Data hence we need to understand what is actually means of big data and how bid data is going to impact or different from the  traditional Data storage system

What is big Data?
Ø Is it a technology?
Ø Is it a solution?
Ø Is it a problem?
Ø Is it a platform?

Above points are not defining the big data whereas when below listed 4v’s are fulfilling any organization data then Big data comes in the picture.
IBM defines 4V’s of data which become Big Data.

1-    Volume- There are lots of data generating every day in different format like Log, audio, Video, streaming, sensors etc…..
2-    Variety- Data can be in structured, semi structured and unstructured.
3-    Velocity – What is the speed of data generation and rate of analysis of those data

4-    Veracity- It will be a raw data in uncleansed and unstructured format.